For decades, PT. Bahana Marga Samudera has become one the leading Indonesian Producer - Exporter of Orthosiphon Stamineus Dry Leaves. Several names of orthosiphon plant:Scientific name : Orthosiphon stamineus/aristatus benth. Latin name : Orthosiphon spicatus. Common names : - Kumis kucing / remujung (Indonesian) - Cat's whisker / Java Teal / Kidney Tea (English) - Javatee / Orthosiphonblaetter / Indischer Nierentee (Deutsch) - Feuilles de barbiflore (French) - Oca Ortosifona Tychinochnogo (Russian) - Yaa Nuat Maeo (Chinese)
Orthosiphon plant in traditional use for many centuries and also in modern ways in pharma industries, is well known used as a medicinal plant for treating ailments of the kidney, urinary track infection, diabetes mellitus, rheumatic and to reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and weight loss.
 Our company was established in 1997 and located in Jakarta – Indonesia. Our processing facilities are located in the mountain hill of Sukabumi - West Java which is 120 kilometers away from the office. We highly maintain and control our harvesting, processing and packing raw materials of orthosiphon dry leaves until delivery. The quality standard of our orthosiphon raw materials comply with relevant pharmacopeae (e.g. Phar.EU. or Phar. Russian).
To help customers to reach their needs efficiently in quantity and timeliness, we are able to supply 7MT – 7.5MT net weight into one 20’ Feet Standard Container Unit and 14MT – 14.5MT net weight into one 40’ Feet Standard Container Unit.
 Our delivery program is flexible and is permanently adjusted to the market requirements and with the high commitment to guarantee customers to receive merchandises at destination in the right quantities with good condition we strongly have good co-operation with SGS surveying company. Commercial quantities are ready available or, if not, they can generally be produced within one growing season. We have been successfully satisfying in supporting some Europe and CIS countries pharmaceutical companies for years with our products.
Since we have been successfully developing and expanding our company business for years we also strive to supply customers with any items of medicinal herbs, spices and essential oils and we welcome to all inquiries of your excellent needs.